Privacy and WhatsApp — two terms that, when combined in one sentence, generate controversy in various regions of the world. Facebook’s subsidiary messenger, which is also not a reference in user preservation, is expected to respond to alleged breaches of privacy with a million-dollar fine in the European Union. The Wall Street Journal reported this Thursday (2nd) that Mark Zuckerberg’s company was fined […]
Latest News from the Tech World
Techwikies covers all the Tech related news from different Blogs, and brings you the latest updates, and keeps you updated on the latest trends from the Tech world.
Nokia, the next top of the range will arrive on 11 November
HMD Global does not give up and tries again. The Finnish company is in fact working on the next top-of-the-range Nokia smartphone. In particular, according to what has been leaked in the last few hours, 11 November (the day of the Single’s Day in China, a sort of Prime Day in Asian sauce) would have been identified as the day of presentation of […]
No exceptions: Apple prohibits Chinese apps from using alternative means to track users
Apple has already shown in the iOS 14.5 announcement that it wants to bring even more privacy to its users with App Tracking Transparency and today we have news of another direct action by the Cupertino company, which has now banned Chinese apps from using alternative means of tracking users. Apple’s action basically involved blocking […]
Immortal Fenyx Rising Is Now Complete
IO21: Google search gets easy way to delete recent history
Google is running several ads today, we’ve seen a lot of news on Android 12, the LaMDA project with languages and AI and now we’ve got improvements on Google Search, which will now gain a new way to delete the recent history. Now see how this novelty works. The new feature is dedicated to users who want a […]
IO21: Google points more than 3 billion active Android devices in the world
Google’s vice president of product management, Sameer Samat, said today during the major I / O event 2021 that there are more than 3 billion active Android users in the world today. To get an idea of the size of this number, at the moment the total number of people connected to the internet globally […]
Apple could pay up to $ 2 billion to UK users in new lawsuit
Apple has had to pay huge damages in numerous cases around the world, but it seems that the giant vaults of Cupertino will receive a low anymore. A lawsuit filed at the Competition Appeal Court in London alleges that Apple has been overpricing the App Store prices for London users for years, which could result in […]
DirecTV GO launches annual plan with two-month price discount
On Monday (11), DirecTV GO announced the availability of a new annual plan for subscription to the streaming TV service. The novelty comes with a reduced price in relation to the total equivalent to the same period in the monthly plan. As of May 11th, interested parties will be able to contract the annual plan for […]
Better than Android? Google Chrome 90 arrives on iOS with new widgets and more
Google already released Chrome 90 for desktops and Android in April and now the browser update is finally coming to iOS with some unique features for the platform like more interactive and fun widgets, including even one dedicated to the famous dinosaur that is part of an internal browser game. See how it turned out. As you […]
iPhone 13 and 14 should “disappoint” in terms of news, analysts suggest
In terms of innovation and technology, Apple is always a little behind the competition – look at the case of 5G, for example, only last year’s iPhone generation was able to support the fifth generation of mobile networks. The same is also seen in relation to screens, because while several manufacturers explore refresh rates of […]