After WhatsApp and Instagram, full dark mode is coming soon to Facebook. Already available on some interfaces, such as desktop and in testing on Android, the novelty is that Mark Zuckerberg’s company works on the black interface on iOS. It is worth mentioning that the feature is not yet available, not even for beta testers. Visually, the app is similar in […]
3D photos on Facebook: network is using AI to create 3-dimensional images
Facebook is by far one of the largest social networks today. Surrounded by controversies, he has even become a major competitor for YouTube, with broadcasts of major games like Libertadores 2020 that will be shown on the social network. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, the social network is using the feature to create 3D photos from 2D […]
Activate to protect yourself! Facebook novelty brings more privacy to photos on social network
Facebook seems to be embracing new ideas to please its users more. This week we have already seen that the network has abandoned, at least for now, the intention of placing ads on WhatsApp and today it has released dark mode for the application. Now it has included a new setting that can help improve privacy on the social network. […]
Facebook will stop suggesting friends by number used for two-factor authentication
Have you ever wondered how Facebook found out that you know certain people and suggest them as friends for you to add? This is also because of the phone number registered for two-factor authentication – but the good news is that soon, Mark Zuckerberg’s social network will no longer be able to do that. Midway […]
Would you trust? Facebook may be developing operating system from scratch, rumor reveals
Amid repeated controversy over breaches of privacy and leakage that include the recent leak with 267 million usernames and phone numbers, Facebook may be developing its own operating system that can later reach branded handsets. With no name or more information released (including knowing what types of devices it will support), the company is expected to […]
New face! Facebook changes brand to differentiate app company
After launching a humanly curated news guide, Facebook made another decision and announced it on Monday (4). Mark Zuckerberg’s company announced the change of its brand with a new logo. According to the company itself, the company’s image update aims to provide more clarity about products coming from Facebook. In addition, it is a way to differentiate the company […]
Hyperconnected era: Facebook and Instagram devour social market sales
A survey of the Cloud Shop in late 2018 showed that almost 70% of sales that happen through social networks, amazingly, are through Instagram. Yes, the platform has a high potential for creating influencers, as well as brands that want to achieve success quickly. Another 27% do not surprisingly happen on Facebook. That is, 97% of sales […]
Facebook and CVV announce new Messenger bot to help prevent suicide
Facebook has partnered with the Life Valuation Center (CVV) to launch a bot in Messenger, with a focus on streamlining care and prioritizing those looking for information on suicide prevention. The feature uses Artificial Intelligence developed by, with ready answers to administrative questions – such as volunteering or contributing to the entity. Emotional support and […]
Facebook Announces three New Portal Devices with WhatsApp Calling
Facebook is growing its line of smart items for the home. The lineup, which includes the Portal, Portal Mini and Portal TV, are designed to connect families and add WhatsApp calling as Mark Zuckerberg begins to further merge his messaging platforms. The social media giant confirmed that the new Portal lineup is coming to the […]
Facebook explains what location management will look like on Android 10 and iOS 13
Over the past few years, we have seen concerns about the privacy of data provided to applications grow in companies and countries, partly driven by cases such as Cambridge Analytica and the constant leaks of information linked to Facebook. Knowing this, Apple and Google have worked to increase control of what is effectively shared with […]