The SonyXperia XA2 Device was Launched in the year January 2018 by the Sony. The Sony Xperia XA2has a Touchscreen with Screen Size of 5.20. It has the dimensions(mm) of 142.00 x 70.00 x 9.70. This Device is powered by a octa-core & runs a memory of 3GB. The Sony Xperia XA2 runs on Operation […]
Sony Xperia XA2
Sony Xperia XA2 and XA2 Ultra get upgrade with March security package
Sony released a new update for its new Xperia XA2 and XA2 Ultra intermediaries – launched in January by the Japanese manufacturer. The update contains the March security package. With the installation of the new firmware, which weighs 357.4 MB, smartphones have gone from build number 50.1.A.4.102 to version 50.1.A.5.59. In addition, the patch was changed to the 1st of this month. Until then, […]