The XiaomiRedmi Note 9 Device was Launched in the year 30th April 2020 by the Xiaomi. The Redmi Note 9has a Touchscreen with Screen Size of 6.53. It has the dimensions(mm) of 162.30 x 77.20 x 8.90. This Device is powered by a 1.8GHz octa-core (6×1.8GHz + 2x2GHz) & runs a memory of 4GB. The […]
Redmi Note 9
Onyx Black: Global Redmi Note 9 gains a new color for fans of the little black dress
The Redmi Note 9 ( review here ), an intermediary that was recently contemplated with the update to the stable MIUI 12 Global, was launched in China as Redmi 10X. However, as usual, when presenting the model globally in April, Xiaomi decided to adopt a different nomenclature – the notebook even got a late launch in India, where it kept exactly the […]