The Realme3i Device was Launched in the year 15th July 2019 by the Realme. The Realme 3ihas a Touchscreen with Screen Size of 6.20. It has the dimensions(mm) of 156.10 x 75.60 x 8.30. This Device is powered by a 2GHz octa-core & runs a memory of 3GB. The Realme 3i runs on Operation system […]
Realme 3i
Realme 3i has some of its technical specifications confirmed by retailer Flipkart
Realme officialized this year the series Realme 3, which is composed of the standard model and by Realme 3 Pro. Yesterday we saw that another device of this family is supposedly in development, it is the Realm 3i, which should be a simpler version of the traditional device. Yesterday it was found on a test at Geekbench, and now the Indian retailer Flipkart […]