The MotorolaMoto G6 Plus Device was Launched in the year April 2018 by the Motorola. The Moto G6 Plushas a Touchscreen with Screen Size of 5.93. It has the dimensions(mm) of 159.90 x 75.50 x 7.99. This Device is powered by a 2.2GHz octa-core & runs a memory of 4GB. The Moto G6 Plus runs […]
Moto G6 Plus
Moto G6 Plus screen has allegedly revealed proportion in leak
At the end of March, several rumors surfaced about the sixth generation of Motorola’s Moto G line, giving more details on devices such as the Moto G6, G6 Play and the possible specifications of the Moto G6 Plus. One of these specifications concerned the proportion of the Plus screen, and now a new leak seems to confirm the information. New images of the […]