After adding four-channel HD streaming on its platform, Vivo TV has again included more live broadcasts from Discovery on the Play Out Home grid. In all, there are four more group signs in the online service.
The list consists of Discovery Theater, Discovery World, Discovery Civilization and Discovery Science. They are added to the other seven channels “brothers” present on the platform since the month of February this year.
Vivo TV was delayed to include Discovery’s live signals on its platform – while the channels were already on the grid of competitor NOW Online, for example. Only in the second month of 2019, the operator put the first stations on the grid: Discovery Kids, Discovery Channel, Discovery Turbo, Discovery Home & Health, ID, TLC, and Animal Planet.
The Play Away Service allows the company’s subscriber to track closed channels through a mobile device or computer.
Live broadcasters present in Vivo Play can be viewed through the platform’s official website or by the application available for the Android and iOS operating systems. The download links are accessible on the card below the text.
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