Motorola is preparing for the launch of its first Smart TV in India. According to the website PhoneRadar, the announcement should happen on September 16, next Monday.
Thus, the US company should also follow the trend started by other Chinese manufacturers. That’s because Redmi, Honor and even OnePlus are making their TVs available in the market. The idea is that these devices are a kind of “hub” in a connected home.
That’s why Motorola’s first TV should hit the market with the Android operating system, DTS TruSurround technology, and even an integrated soundbar.
Unfortunately, the photo posted is of poor quality. Even so, it offers us some important clues, such as the presence of the Motorola brand, the integrated soundbar, and the thin-edged screen.
Another curious point is that the soundbar should be slightly smaller compared to the size of the TV. For now, Motorola has not yet officially commented on the matter. We, therefore, warn that everything needs to be considered with a certain amount of caution.
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Even so, sources in India indicate that the new TV could be officially sold on September 29. That’s because retailer Flipkart has announced a special sales event to move the Indian market.
Source: phoneradar
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