With adulthood, finding time to play quietly becomes more and more difficult.
I like to remember the times when the appointments at home were few, all I needed to do was clean the room, take the garbage out, do the dishes, help my parents with some tasks, and then it was finally time to sit down In front of the TV to play some little game in Dynavision.
As much as my studies also kept me away from the games for a long time especially when your mother is a teacher, practically anything that made me bored made me think about how I would go through the next phase in Super Nintendo Battletoads or Devil May Cry 3 of the PlayStation 2. I ended up giving up these games after breaking some controls.
An adult has bigger worries than going on the jet ski or finding a way to defeat Beowulf, after all, you stay all day working and at night you need to be locked in a room for one day to have a degree that probably will not be worth A lot in the job market.
Well, at least at the end of the week you can play, right? Wrong. The weekend is dedicated to family or friends, after all, an ordinary human being usually misses social ties when he is living alone, in another city, trying to lead his own life. Good luck trying to socialize when the only subjects that interest you are games, movies, and series …
What annoys you most is when you sit in front of the PC decided that today will play a different game, the one that has been in the workspace for a century waiting to be played, but then you see friends online, remember that there are only 40 minutes left To stay awake and decide that a single-player does not deserve so little time, which makes you go back to that same multiplayer game ever.
Admitting that you are mismanaging your time is a good way to begin to change this, or at least prevent it from arriving at some point (if you are still a dependent youth). The few hours left over after a tiring day could be very well spent with a beautiful night’s sleep, but let’s face it, there are very few who can sleep early in a university life, so you’ll usually settle for later.
After staying up late playing and sinking into bed in the middle of the night, you’ll need to get up the next day to work, spend all day “fishing” naps on your desk and later go to college and literally sleep about The class as the teacher passes the class content. On second thought, staying up late does not seem like such a good idea.
In the end, you realize that those few minutes between each task of the day seem not to be enough to play quietly, but unfortunately, it is what you have, face it. It is better to maintain a mental health that allows you to focus on opportunities that one day leads to your life to squander this time that today you do not have, trained and with a good job. Thinking about long-term benefits is always difficult, but worth it, see the over fifty games in my Steam library that have not even seen 1MB of my HD.
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