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Gather the greatest Marvel heroes and villains to save Earth in Marvel Strike Force

Marvel Strike Force

Disney remains firm and strong, launching more and more games based on its properties, and now it’s time to launch another game with the Marvel Comics characters. Marvel Strike Force puts players in control of heroes and villains in strategy-packed battles.

In Strike Force, Earth is being invaded, and instead of taking the side of the invaders, villains form an alliance with Marvel’s heroes to get them expelled. So it’s to form groups of up to five characters and put Captain America and Wolverine fighting alongside Crossbones and Loki.

The game has a gameplay very similar to that of games like Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, which can please a lot of people. Because it is a free game, Marvel Strike Force offers microtransactions that can reach up to $479.90, so it is important to take care not to let the little ones with free access to it. The game is available for Android and iOS.

Marvel Strike Force For Android

Developer: Scopely
Price: Free


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