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DJI will allow smartphone owners to monitor nearby drones

Privacy is increasingly difficult to have in the age of the Internet, social networks, increasingly capable smartphones and countless types of wearable devices – not to mention, of course, drones.

In recent years these unmanned ships have fallen into the favor of more and more people, and with the options in size and price diversifying more and more, it’s always good to be careful and watch out for prying eyes.

Knowing this, DJI is preparing to announce a tool that could help those concerned about the growing popularity of drones; We are talking about an app, which should be launched in 2020.

According to information shared by Reuters, the initiative was announced amid increasing pressure for information transparency in the drone industry.

The app will give all smartphone owners the ability to track drones flying over near their location via Wi-Fi, displaying information such as identification number, location, altitude, speed, and direction.

The Chinese company hopes its new tool will help the lives of many users with security and peace of mind, after all, no one likes to be spied on.

Amid the constant fear of misuse of this type of device – whether for war or espionage or even causing flights to be delayed/canceled at airports and requiring the installation of costly anti-drone technologies – the novelty It will certainly be well received.

Still, according to DJI, the app should work up to 1 kilometer away for Aware Wi-Fi-enabled smartphones.

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The app will be compatible with all drone models released in recent years, either by DJI or other brands; The company is still working on the list of compatible devices.

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