AOD: New Tweak Brings Always On Display Feature to Jailbroken iPhone Screen

iPhone Perhaps one of the most exciting features in Android smartphones is something that Apple has not implemented in its devices so far: Always On Display.

The function allows users to quickly confirm notifications without turning on the laptop screen, which in many cases saves battery life – especially on devices with OLED displays.

The good news is that something similar has just been made available to iPhone owners who are Jailbreak enthusiasts (and for those who aren’t, we remember that there is still time to go back to iOS 12.4 and do the procedure ).

Called AOD, the tweak was developed by Soh Satoh; The proposal is basically the same as that found on Android, and as much as it’s more interesting to use on OLED screens, it works perfectly on LCD panels:

AOD, which is compatible with iPhone running iOS 12 or higher, can be downloaded from the packix repository ( ) via Cydia, costing $ 1.25.

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Keep in mind that its use will likely result in a slight increase in battery usage, as Always On Display, as much as it consumes less than the full screen, will still use more charge than a screen that shows nothing. (ie totally off).

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