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Best Android Apps For Remote Work

The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically changed how we do business and perform jobs. The threat of the virus to our safety and health has prompted almost all companies to employ remote work arrangements. As a result, the working population has turned to software applications to execute their tasks from their homes.

Apps that allow people to perform their work from home ranked the second most downloaded app. About 57% of at-home mobile users use business apps from 2017-2020, and this statistics is based on Android phones alone.  

If you’re a business software developer, you should optimize your app so that more people will download and use it. Since most business apps rely on cloud software, you can use cloud testing services to guarantee reliable data protection.

Top 7 Android Apps For Your Work-From-Home Needs

The following are the top seven apps you need to conduct your work within the comfort of your home.

1.   Zoom

A popular video conferencing app, Zoom lets you connect with your workmates and other people. With this app, you can video call or voice call with people you need to work with and get your tasks done together. Zoom is also a great place to conduct webinars and meetings. The application is free and easy to use, that’s why it has become so popular nowadays. Furthermore, Zoom offers exciting features such as a share-screen and break-out rooms. 

2.   Slack

You don’t always have to meet with your team simultaneously. Sometimes, you need to work asynchronously. To do this effectively, you need to have a platform to chat with your coworkers professionally. Slack offers this channel where you can talk to your peers conveniently. In contrast to emails, Slack lets you receive an immediate response from the sender without having to wait for a long time. 

3.   Chrome Remote Desktop

Many business people use Chrome Remote Desktop to access their computers through any device. You can access your device anytime and from any other device without worrying about security threats. This means that your peers can access your computer from their homes if you need to do things together. Another great feature of this Android app is that it allows you to share your screen with your team. 

4.   Google Drive

If you’re looking for a cloud alternative to Microsoft Office, Google Drive is the answer. This mobile app is one of the best file-sharing software out there. Google Drive also lets you collaborate with your team in real-time. For example, you can work on a document via Google Docs and receive feedback simultaneously. Moreover, Google Drive lets you create different files such as word documents, spreadsheets, and slide presentations. 

5.   Calendar

Calendar is an excellent app because it combines all your calendars, including Google Calendar and Outlook, into one. This software enables you to create and synchronize your events and meetings. In the remote work setting, Calendar also lets you quickly schedule appointments. This eliminates the need for confirmation, such as in back-and-forth email scheduling.

6.   Offtime

One of the biggest problems working-from-home adults point out is distractions. There’s just a lot of them when you’re working remotely. Luckily, the Android app Offtime lets you disconnect from distracting notifications. Offtime blocks social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and mobile gaming applications. It also filters communications so that only the relevant messages will pop up when you’re working. This means that you’ll be more productive and efficient when it’s working hours. 

7.   Daywise

If Offtime prevents distractions when you’re working, Daywise prevents work notifications when it’s your time to rest. This app lets you schedule when you’ll receive information from various apps. It also enables you to choose VIPs or contacts you can reach out to even if you can’t use the app. Furthermore, Daywise gives you insights into your phone usage. Overall, this app allows you to be unbothered with work when it’s after hours.

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