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Kick Balls For PC (Windows & MAC)

Kick Balls is a game of strategy and skill that surprises with fun as well as novel mechanics.

The main premise of Kick Balls is to eliminate all the squares of the stage before we run out of projectiles. For this we must make the small balls that we shoot bounce against the boxes the number of times indicated inside; if we manage to eliminate any of these squares we will get more ammunition with which to try to eliminate the rest of the objectives. As in the classic Arkanoid, at the beginning of each turn of Kick Balls we must select dragging our finger where we want to direct the burst of projectiles, and if we run out of ammunition before we have managed to eliminate all targets we will have lost the game .

The really interesting part of Kick Balls is its element of strategy, since in the most advanced levels each of the projectiles counts and only one wrong shot can make us throw all our progress overboard.

Today it is difficult to find a game that dares to risk and that is victorious with it; Kick Balls not only offers us a risky proposal but also manages to have fun until the last moment.
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Kick Balls Details

Name: Kick Balls
Developers: Med Developer
Score: /5
Current Version:
Last Updated: 14.05.18

Here we will show you today How can you Download and Install Kick Balls on PC running any OS including Windows and MAC variants, however, if you are interested in other apps, visit our site about Android Apps on PC and locate your favorite ones, without further ado, let us continue.

Kick Balls on PC (Windows / MAC)

That’s All for the guide on Kick Balls For PC (Windows & MAC), follow our Blog on social media for more Creative and juicy Apps and Games. For Android and iOS please follow the links below to Download the Apps on respective OS.

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